
Music lover. Bookworm. Traveler. Wine enthusiast. Coffee addict. Avid shoe wearer.
Landlady of this lovely blog.

"I crossed the Atlantic once…" came to be as a place to document daily shenaningans of all shapes and sizes as I embark on my biggest adventure yet - a brand new professional and personal life on a whole other continent, across the Atlantic.

DISCLAIMER: This lovely blog will occasionally contain some explicit language. I don't mean to be offensive, but if any part of said blog offends you in any way, feel free to discontinue reading. Thank you. 

I think my life has been pretty good so far. I've safely gotten over my quarter-life crisis a few years ago and now love to feel like I've got most of it figured out. Obviously, there is the occasional glitch, but that's fine. 
So, the facts that I'm a bit over 30, don't own any real estate, don't have kids or pets, don't have any debt but a very smart mouth and often act as a kid, make me happy and at ease. Took some time and some work, but that's me. Period. Still, I have this constant craving for something bigger, brighter and louder. Enter, Gotham!

Career-wise, I'm a scientist and newly minted postdoc fellow at a very fancy cancer research institute in New York City. Which is, in my opinion, pretty badass. My research area is malignant pleural mesothelioma, an awfully mean type of cancer. Google away to learn more, because knowledge is power, my friends!

Other than that? Not much, really. Science tends to eat away A LOT of time and energy.
But I'm not a boring workaholic nerd, fear not. I always manage to spare time and energy to fiercely love my family and friends. Oh, and I kind of love shoes and fashion, girly stuff, swimming, all sorts of cool music, books and nerdiness, skiing and the occasional running or hiking session. And peaches are my favourite fruit.

Questions? Shoot, 'cause the "Comments" section is open for business. I will make sure to provide answers. 


  1. Lepo pozdravljena,

    javljam se, ker iščem uspešne mlade Slovence v svetu, s katerimi bi naredila intervju, da bi bili navdih bodočim generacijam, ki sanjajo o karieri v tujini. Gre za časopis Finance in rubriko Mladi Slovenci v tujini. Bi te zanimalo sodelovanje? Najlepša hvala za pozornost in razumevanje. Lep pozdrav, Tajana
