Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy day, Earth

It's Earth day, y'all. 
And as much as I am aware that pretty much every day is a "something day" and who can fucking keep up with all of that, I believe Earth day SHOULD be acknowledged. Duh!

This planet is so big and the fact it exists is just such a "yeah, how could it not" concept we all take for granted. 

But, at least this one day, let us all stop for a second and remember that this giant ball of iron, water and rocks, is our home. Even when we're standing completely still, we spin around and run through space at a speed no one of us can even begin to imagine.


How cool is that?
So, big cheers to mama Earth today. I know that deep down we all love it. 

SOTD: Morphine - You Look Like Rain

So, allow yourself to be a little amazed that Earth exists and maybe show a little more respect than usual.


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