Sunday, January 26, 2014

Every landscape architect's wet dream

SOTD: Rudi Bučar - Bella Istriana mia. 
Because I looked for "Moby Dick", but it's not
uploaded on YouTube. So this one is second best. 

My girl M has been mentioned repeatedly on this lovely blog. And for good reason - she's awesome

Further proof of her awesomeness is a huge step forward in her life that she took YESTERDAY. And to celebrate such a gigantic step, I decided to brave yesterday's annoying snowfall and ass-freezing cold and walked the Highline, all the way from top to bottom. Because the Highline is very high on our list of shit we need to conquer as soon as she gets her butt on my side of the Atlantic (no pressure here, darlings). 

One of these Hudson-facing sunbeds shall be ours,
Because we have coffee to drink and Gotham to

Due to the weather (boy, are snowflakes annoying when you breathe them in and they tickle), and the sheer fact that it's winter, so plant-wise the park is pretty much barren, I sort of expected a quiet lonely walk. 


Rather barren in this time of year, but
eerily beautiful nonetheless.

I was wrong, there were quite a lot of people, mostly tourists, walking it. But that was kind of OK. 

I know, M, you despise hot pink. But how cute is this pink-clad girl hugging her dad so he can help her get safely off the bench?

Very cute!
I'm not going to say "the world is your oyster", M, because frankly oysters are fucking disgusting.
So, instead:
Here's to your newest adventure, M!
(I toast to you with a tall glass of gin & tonic - just because I can!)


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