Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Today is September 18th. 
I left Slovenia on June 18th, which means that today marks 3 (!!!) months since I moved to New York.
I still have to pinch myself from time to time, because sometimes this whole shenanigan simply fails to feel real. Dude, I live in freaking New York!!!

The past three months have been a rollercoaster to say the least. Ups, downs, side turns, flips. You name it, I got it. All of it. I went from crazy-bordering excitement to deep sadness and everything in between. There's been frustration, joy, laughter, disappointment, worry, anger, hopefulness, awe. With no order whatsoever, no transitions, no small changes before the big ones. And a couple of briuses, both physical and emotional. But no tears. 

Yepp, I've had it all.

SOTD: The National - Hard to find. 

One thing that has NEVER popped into my crazy brain? Regrets. 
There are none. At all.
No matter how hard it sometimes is, how many times I get mocked for being "unadjusted" or an "uneducated foreigner" or "obnoxiously stubborn in my foreign ways", or how fun and exciting everything back home seems*, I LOVE MY CHOICE and would re-do it a million times over.

IstraTiMaterna view towards the Adriatic from Lipnik near Rakitovec,
Slovenian Istria (aka home turf), Slovenia 

Of course, I miss my friends horribly. Not a day goes by when I see, hear or do something and think how much more fun/awesome/meaningful that thing would be if I could share it with the people close to my heart. I still text them those random things, but a transatlantic text is never as powerful as one that only needs to cover a few kilometers. And more often than not, I hate the 6-hour time difference between Koper and New York and the 5-hour difference between Dublin and New York. It makes catching up more complicated than necessary, because, em, all of us, no matter which side of the Atlantic we occupy, sort of have, em, lives et cetera.

Well. I've met some pretty cool people since moving here, but haven't gotten really close with anyone. It is not easy for me to truly connect with somebody and my friends (I put that one in italics, because my definition of "friend" is quite different from what a typical American's would be.) from home still find me interesting enough to keep in touch regularly. So I don't feel like there is any necessity for new friends. Unfortunately though, it does not exactly work both ways and keeping in touch does not significantly reduce my withdrawals. Plus, my social life over here mostly sucks, as it is basically non-existent. I don't really go to glamourous clubs or cool beautiful-people-clad bars. There is the occasional coffee, stroll, drink or chat, but nothing more.

Non-IstraTiMaterna view from 30, Rockefeller Plaza (aka Top of the Rock),
Manhattan, NYC.

And that is perfectly fine, actually. 
Although a superfun night out with mojitos wouldn't hurt... But darn, it would ONLY be as superfun as expected if M and Z were there, too. 
Oh well, I guess sometimes a girl can't have it all at the same time. 


* I kind of know from experience that things back at home are NOT all that exciting. Nevertheless, I  do have 30+ years of experience with life in Slovenia :)

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