Sunday, September 22, 2013

"It sucks to be me"

For the first half of this month, I had two sweet visitors from home taking over my apartment. 
Although it sometimes felt crowded, it was lovely having them around. 

The lobby at New World Stages.

We didn't hang out much, but it was very fun having somebody to boss around the kitchen or fill their heads with info about New York. My favourite part was listening to their daily impressions of the city, their awe and excitement. I was only a couple of years older than they are now when I first visited New York and I still remember how I felt walking the streets, completely smitten by everything around me.

Bonus: they brought over half of my winter wardrobe, for which I am extremely grateful. An one more bonus: they treated me to another Broadway show. They chose Avenue Q, a Broadway veteran that  has moved off-Broadway a couple of years ago and audiences still don't seem to get enough of.

It was AWE-SOME.

The show deals with a lot of issues linked to "real life", adulthood and the quarter-life crisis. With puppets. Of course, the Bad Idea Bears will be my favourite kind of bears forever and ever.
And this:

"The internet is for porn. Why you think it was born? For porn, for porn, for porn. Grab your dick and doubleclick..."

Thank you, N and G for the treat.

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