Friday, June 28, 2013

An ode to some hot guys

I figured with all the madness of the past week or so, a desperate need for some candy has arisen.
And since sugary, real candy is not the most healthful option, let's go with the best possible alternative… eye candy. Because it's been a while since I last posted some hotties, right…

Let's see, shall we:

Robert Downey Jr. He abandoned the bad boy ways, but kept the attitude... Pure. Hotness.


Michael Fassbender. Tall, ginger, half-Irish and supertalented. What's not to love?


Johnny Depp. Nevermind the crazy couture. I'd do him. Any time. No discussion.

Now excuse me, I need to wipe off the drool.


P.S. The present is just a random selection of some hot actors arranged in no particular order. 
P.P.S. I put on extra large pictures, way wider than normally on the blog. I can't go too large when it comes to hotness, right? 

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, kateri od teh sodelavcev nosi rogljičke na inštitutu?
    Al se vsako jutro vsi trije kregajo?
